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At Striverra, we’re more than just shaping careers; we’re revolutionizing them. Our innovative platform, harnessing the power of artificial intelligence (AI), is designed to streamline organization skills, align skill development with organizational growth and strategy, consolidate top-tier L&D resources onto a single platform, and provide insightful analytics into a company’s skill transformation journey.

Unveiling the Skill Transformation


Strategic Skill Planning

Cross Organization skills identification & Management

Unified L&D Cloud

Access to top-tier L&D resources, including courses, workshops, and expert trainers.

Analytics and ROI

Measure skill gaps, track progress, and demonstrate ROI with powerful analytics for data-driven decisions.

Unveiling the Skill Transformation


Skill transformation is the new competitive advantage, and your catalyst to organizational success. We’re the most experienced AI-powered skill development platform, making L&D integration a faster, more efficient reality.


Cross Organization skills identification & Management


Access to top-tier L&D resources, including courses, workshops, and expert trainers.


Measure skill gaps, track progress, and demonstrate ROI with powerful analytics for data-driven decisions.

Powerful workforce planning solution that empowers organizations to effectively manage talent, identify skill gaps, and optimize resource allocation. With our AI-driven platform, you can make data-driven decisions to achieve your strategic objectives.

Employee Skill Planning

Talent Profiles: Create detailed profiles for each employee, including skills, experience, and career goals.

Skill Competency: Assess employee skills through self-evaluations, manager reviews, and standardized tests.

Career Paths: Recommend personalized career paths based on individual skills and organizational needs.

Organization Skill Planning

Strategic Skill & Roles: Align your workforce’s skills and roles with your organization’s strategic goals.

Service, Solution, & Account Alignments: Ensure that your talent is aligned with the specific needs of your services, solutions, and accounts.

Project Skill Planning

Skills and Talent Connected to Projects and Accounts: Connect skills and talent to projects and accounts for optimal resource allocation.

Talent Matching: Automatically match the right talent to the right opportunities based on skills and experience.

Skill Gaps and Recommendations: Identify skill gaps and receive automated recommendations for upskilling and reskilling.

Cross-Functional Collaboration: Foster collaboration between Pursuit, Delivery, L&D, and RM teams for successful talent management.

Designed to streamline your organization’s training and development initiatives. With a focus on efficiency and effectiveness, LearnOps provides a seamless experience for both learners and managers.

Learner Experience

Provide personalized learning experiences with AI-driven recommendations, multi-channel course calendars, and seamless integration with skill profiles.

L&D Investment Planning & Procurements

Streamline your L&D budget management, approval processes, and procurement activities.

Omni-Channel Employee Access

Ensure easy access to a wide range of L&D resources, including industry standard courses, internal courses, certifications, customized external courses, industry experts, technology labs, and digital learning platforms.

Order Management

treamline the process of purchasing and managing training materials, courses, and certifications for multiple vendors into a single order.

Industry SMEs

Connect with subject matter experts to gain valuable insights and expertise.

Cutting-edge analytics platform that empowers organizations to make informed decisions based on real-time data. With our intuitive interface and powerful features, you can easily visualize, analyze, and interpret your data to drive business success.

Real-Time Analytics

Access up-to-date data and insights to make timely decisions.

Customizable Dashboards

Create personalized dashboards to visualize key metrics and trends.

Advanced Analytics

Leverage advanced analytics techniques, such as predictive modeling and data mining, to uncover hidden insights.

Integration Capabilities

Seamlessly integrate with your existing systems and data sources.

Data Security

Rest assured that your data is protected with our robust security measures.

Our Core Services

At Striverra, we revolutionize career development by leveraging AI to streamline organizational skills, align skill growth with business strategy, consolidate top L&D resources, and provide insightful analytics on skill transformation.

Skill Ontology as a Service

Leverage the power of skill ontology to drive talent development

A structured framework for mapping skills, competencies, and roles.

Organization Strategic Planning

Align your learning initiatives with your organization's strategic objectives.

Develop targeted strategies for skill transformation and organizational success.

BI & Automation

Harness data-driven insights and automation to drive efficiency and innovation.

Actionable insights and streamlined processes enhance productivity.

Budget Planning

Maximize the impact of your L&D investments with comprehensive budget planning.

Strategic resource allocation ensures organizational growth and success

Advisory & Consulting Services

Expert advisory and consulting services tailored to your needs.

Strategic guidance and actionable recommendations for your L&D initiatives.


Access a diverse range of learning resources, courses, certifications, and experts.

Tailored content for individual needs, promoting continuous learning and growth.

Managed Services

End-to-end support for skill transformation initiatives.

From needs assessment to implementation and evaluation.

Learning Management Systems

Streamline learning initiatives with our cutting-edge LMS solutions.

Optimize the learning experience, from course delivery to tracking and reporting.

Unveiling the Skill Transformation Platform

Striverra Plan

A strategic tool for organizations to craft and implement tailored L&D strategies, aligning talent development with business objectives.

Let's Plan

Striverra Marketplace

A vibrant hub connecting corporate learners with premier L&D providers, offering diverse educational resources for professional growth.

Unlock Now

Striverra Insight

An analytics platform providing insights on L&D effectiveness, helping organizations optimize strategies and measure talent development ROI.

Deep Dive

Striverra Seller

A platform for L&D providers to market their services to a global audience, enhancing reach and engagement with corporate learners and organizations.

Let's Sell

Our Core Services

Organization Skill Planning

• Optimize workforce skills with advanced analytics and AI insights.
• Align talent development with business goals, identify skill gaps, and forecast future needs.

L&D Operations Cloud

• Streamline L&D operations with a comprehensive cloud-based platform.
• Automate tasks, personalize learning, and measure program effectiveness in real-time.

Skills Knowledge Graph and Analytics

• Transform skill data into actionable intelligence through semantic annotation and advanced analytics.
• Visualize skill relationships, optimize workforce planning, and make informed decisions.

Your Learning Ecosystem

Skill transformation is the new competitive advantage, and your catalyst to organizational success. We’re the most experienced AI-powered skill development platform, making L&D integration a faster, more efficient reality.


Personalized career development planning and skill acquisition for employees.


Connecting organizations with top-tier L&D resources and services.


Powerful analytics to measure skill gaps, progress, and ROI.

Benefits of Partnering with Striverra

Partnering with Striverra provides access to AI-driven tools for superior skill development, streamlined training processes, and valuable workforce insights. Enhance organizational alignment and drive long-term success with our comprehensive platform.

Getting Started

Begin by scheduling an initial consultation to discuss your organization’s needs. We conduct a comprehensive needs assessment and present a customized proposal. Upon agreement, we initiate the project and provide continuous support throughout the engagement.

Discovery and Research

Awareness and initial exploration of services.

Consultation & Needs Assessment

Analyzing needs and discussing potential solutions.

Solution Design and Implementation

Customized proposal and project initiation.

Continuous Support and Optimization

Ongoing support and feedback.

Future Collaboration and Expansion

Planning for future engagements and partnerships.

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Striverra stands ready to revolutionize the realm of talent development. Through our platform, we seamlessly link corporate learners with leading L&D providers, leveraging AI to tailor skill enhancement. We bridge a significant market void by providing scalable solutions for professional progression.


To empower individuals and organizations worldwide by providing a centralized platform for talent and skill development, ensuring access to quality learning resources and opportunities for professional growth.


To become the world’s leading talent and skill development marketplace, where millions of corporate learners and L&D service providers connect, creating a vibrant ecosystem for lifelong learning and career advancement.


Accessibility: Make premier L&D resources accessible to a global audience, breaking down barriers to professional development.

Quality Education: Curate a platform of high-quality learning materials and service providers to meet diverse educational needs.

Community Engagement: Foster a community where learners, educators, and organizations can share knowledge and grow together.

Innovation and Growth: Drive continuous innovation in the L&D sector, ensuring the platform evolves with the changing landscape of education and professional development.

Ready to Supercharge Your Learning Ecosystem?

Consult with one of our skill development experts and start driving organizational growth with AI-powered talent transformation.

Connect with a Striverra Expert

Meet the Team

CEO & Co-founder

Saket Swadesh

COO & Co-founder

Brian D’souza

Technical Director & Co-founder

Mujibur Rahman

Creative Director & Co-founder

Kishen Cariappa

Data Science Director & Co-Founder

Abhishek R


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Developer Bruce Bailey

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Subscriber Ewan Wright

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Developer Isabel Graham